Trust Landerhaven Dental Associates for all of your Cosmetic dentistry needs!
Teeth whitening is one of the most stress-free and reliable ways to accomplish a simple “boost” to your smile. Teeth are often stained or discolored from food, drinks (coffee, tea or red wine), smoking or poor oral hygiene. After an examination to assess the health of your teeth, a recommendation can be made as to which type of tooth whitening method will work best for you. The in-office teeth whitening procedure involves the use of a special light-activated gel, and can provide whitening results quickly for patients who have limited time. Our at-home whitening option involves making custom trays to hold the bleaching gel in your mouth at your own convenience. Feel free to contact our office to discuss which option would work best for you!
Invisalign is a wonderful option for patients who wish to correct misaligned or improperly spaced teeth. After a comprehensive consultation and evaluation, a simple impression of your teeth is all that is needed to start the process. A careful review of a computer animated three dimensional model of the patient's mouth will outline treatment time and expected results.
Dental veneers are custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front surface of teeth to improve your appearance. These dental veneers are often used on teeth that are discolored, chipped or broken, or simply worn down over time. Veneers can also be used to fill gaps in your teeth or cover crooked or misplaced teeth.
Dental implants are an artificial replacement to compensate for tooth loss or removal. Whether used as a single tooth restoration, anchoring a bridge, or used to stabilize a denture, the predictability of dental implants is impressive. If using a dental implant to restore a dental problem is the right treatment option for you, our experience will provide you with a confident foundation to re-establish dental health. Dr. Lavigna and Dr. Leon know dental implants are an investment in time, patience, and money and will educate and help you feel comfortable through the entire process.
Your smile is the first impression you give people, and it's an important part of your interaction with people. It can also provide self-confidence resulting in your getting out and socializing more. You'll feel better in social situations, more confident in business and happier at home at your next family gathering.
To a sales professinal, a great looking smile can mean the difference between a sale and no sale. A great looking smile can help during the interview process. Finally, you’ll be able to enjoy parties because your are relaxed and having fun! At Landerhaven Dental Associates, we know a great smile makes you feel better and can even keep you healthier. Give us a call because we want to help you get that movie-star smile!